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Gorby Our foundation bitch was Champion Lil' Golden Dreamer of Maywood, "Goldie". She produced eleven champions, which tied a record for pugs at the time, and was affectionately known around town as "Gorby's mom." Goldie produced Group, Specialty, and Best In Show winners.

Our foundation stud was Champion Broughcastl Bonjor Apollo, "Casey". Casey was a true showman, and had several Group I's to his credit. He was a Specialty show winner and was in the PDCA Top Twenty Showcase for three years

Casey and Goldie had two litters together and produced eight champions. Between the two of them, they have been responsible for many other champions. More importantly, however, is the fact that they were such an integral part of our family. We traveled, ate, slept, and raised a daughter together. They are, and will always be, dearly missed.



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Champion Broughcastl Bonjor Apollo
1988 P.D.C.A. Regional Specialty
Judge Jim Moran



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